SAMCAPS is a Marie Skłodowska Curie European Industrial Doctorate (EID) project belonging to the Horizon 2020 framework. EID projects are based on the tight collaboration between European academic and industrial entities. The two partners in SAMCAPS are CSGI – Center for Colloid and Surface Science in Florence, Italy, and Procter&Gamble (Brussels, Belgium).
The goal of the project is to develop bio-degradable materials for use in consumer goods. Specifically, the project will explore new eco-friendly approaches and methods of encapsulation that will be applied in home- and beauty care products where the targeted delivery of beneficial actives is required. We envision our research to lead to a new generation of products that are more efficient and at the same time environmentally-friendly!
An important part of the project is the training of four early-stage researchers (ESRs) in the field of colloid and polymer science. These young researchers will spend their time equally at both partner organizations, and they will be awarded the title of Ph.D. at the end of three years.

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